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The Board of Governors and the Administrative Office welcome you to our webinar series.

How it works

An email invitation will be sent to all current members up to two weeks before each scheduled webinar. Anyone (members and non-members) wishing to attend may do so for free on the date of broadcast. Recordings will be available only to CLSA members in our Webinar Archives.

  • Once your registration is approved, we will send registrants a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. 
  • All webinars will be recorded and posted on our website, along with any handouts and a follow-up Q&A. 

 Please check back frequently for additional content.

CLSA Webinar Archive (click to visit)


An Advocate's Practical Guide for Penal Cases: Part 3 -- Live Q&A Session 

2:00 pm Eastern time

On Wednesday, November 15, 2023, the CLSA will offer an opportunity for attendees to engage in a live Question and Answer session with two member canonists who have many years of experience in acting as advocates in penal cases.

During this session, our panelists will provide some practical answers to questions raised in the first two parts of this series and take live questions from participants. These answers are not intended as academic treatises nor as original research findings. They are the product of the experiences of canonists struggling to do the work of advocacy in difficult times. This follow-up session is offered as a tool to those who wish to understand better the path taken in working with and on behalf of clients accused in penal cases.


Dr. J. Michael Ritty has professional experience in the fields of canon law, mediation/arbitration and education. He has a PhD in education and a JCL from St. Paul University, Ottawa. His 30 years of canonical experience includes work as an advocate, defender of the bond and judge at both first and second instance marriage courts. He was the Director of a Tribunal for six years, assisted in the work of administrative tribunals, and represented religious in disputes with their communities. He has consulted with superiors of religious communities in misconduct procedures and offered advice on other canonical questions.  He is the primary litigator for Canon Law Professionals and has represented more than 300 priests accused of sexual misconduct as well as many religious and lay persons accused of wrongdoing or seeking to vindicate their rights in the Church.

Rev. Msgr. David I. Fulton holds doctorates in moral theology and in canon law. Having retired from the pastorate of Our Lady of Victories, Baptistown, NJ and from St Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, where he taught canon law and moral theology, he continues to work as consultant  in canonical and ethical issues.  He served for over twenty nine years in the tribunals of Trenton and Metuchen as judge and promoter of justice; additionally he completed nineteen years of service on the NJ Supreme Court’s Advisory Committee on Professional Ethics. 


Please register through this link: Register for November 15th Live Q&A Session

The previous two webinars in this series are saved in our Webinar Archives for CLSA members to view in case you missed them during their original broadcast dates.

You are welcome to submit questions prior to this Q&A session. Please send them to the email address below for the Executive Coordinator by noon Eastern time on Tuesday, November 14, 2023.

Our webinars are open to members and non-members at the time of broadcast. The recordings will be posted in our Webinar Archives for CLSA members to view at their convenience.

All webinar questions should be directed to



For information about the webinar series offered by the Faculty of Canon Law of St. Paul University in Ottawa, click here.

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